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e-government This website is the official e-government website of the Republic of Korea.

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Purpose of Establishment (Article 20 of the Framework Act on Water Management)

The Presidential Water Commission has been established under presidential authority to deliberate and decide important matters concerning water management. River basin management commissions operate under the Presidential Water Commission.

Functions (Article 22 and 24 of the Framework Act on Water Management)

The Presidential Water Commission deliberates and decides the following agenda items.

  1. Formulation and modification of Master Plans for National Water Management;
  2. Conformance of water management-related plans and comprehensive plans for river basin management to the Master Plan for National Water Management;
  3. Basin water allocation within each river system;
  4. Water movement between river basins for appropriate water allocation;
  5. Intervention in water disputes (between central and local governments, between river basins, etc.);
  6. Evaluation of fulfillment of the Master Plan for National Water Management and overall water management; and
  7. Other water management-related items raised by the chairperson in meetings