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Water Infrastructure

Water Infrastructure

Major River Facilities
  • Dams, reservoirs As of 2020, 17,318 dams and reservoirs accounted for 21.3B㎥ of water holding capacity in total, with the water held used as household, industrial, and agricultural water, and for flood control and power generation, among various purposes

    < Dams and Reservoirs in Korea (2020) >

    Dams and Reservoirs in Korea (2020) : Classification, Total holding capacity, Effective holding capacity, Water supply capacity, Flood control capacity, Power generation capacity, Note, Total, Multi-purpose dams, Flood control dams/facilities, Farming reservoirs, Power generation dams, Household/industrial water dams
    Classification Total holding capacity
    Effective holding capacity
    Water supply capacity
    (1M㎥ per year)
    Flood control capacity
    Power generation capacity
    (1K kW)
    Multi-purpose dams 12,923.0 9,170.0 11,305.2 2,294.0 1,044.8 Soyang River Dam and 19 others
    Flood control dams/facilities 2,980.6 - - 2,981.6 - Peace Dam and 4 others
    Farming reservoirs 2,971.8 2,864.8 3,125.5 19.0 23.0 Yedang Reservoir and 17,144 others
    Power generation dams 1,842.4 961.1 1,050.0 276.8 5,303.1 Hwacheon Dam and 20 others
    Household/industrial water dams 638.5 545.6 907.9 23.5 1.8 Unmun Dam and 126 others
    Total 21,356.3 13,541.5 16,388.6 5,594.9 6,372.7 -
    • Volumes and effective holding capacities as indicated in the master plan for dams
    • Based on the water management manuals of the Korea Water Resources Corporation (2020) and includes the Andong-Imha waters connection (23.7M㎥ per year)
    • Based on agricultural production infrastructure statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and Korea Rural Community Corporation (2020)
    • Hydropower Generation Reference Book (2020) of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power; effective water holding capacity calculated based on power generation capacity
  • Embankments Embankments totaling 34,778㎞ (small rivers excluded) are in place to prevent flood damage
    • As of 2018, 51.2% of national and regional embankment maintenance was complete, and 24.6% of the embankments required reinforcement, leaving the remaining 24.2% to be filled with new embankments (Overview of Rivers in Korea, 2020)

    Small rivers: Maintenance complete 45.5%, reinforcement required 26.9%, new embankments required 27.6%

  • Agricultural water facilities 8,723 pumping and drainage stations supply up to 34K㎥ per second and drain up to 52K㎥ per second, and up to 797㎥ per second can be used from 17,955 holding pools

    < Agricultural Pumping/Drainage Facilities (2018) >

    Agricultural Pumping/Drainage Facilities (2018) : Classification, Total, Pumping stations, Pumping/drainage stations, Drainage stations, Holding pools, No. of facilities, Max. pumping/drainage capacity (㎥ per second)
    Classification Total Pumping stations Pumping/drainage stations Drainage stations Holding pools
    No. of facilities 26,678 7,485 125 1,113 17,955
    Max. pumping/drainage capacity (㎥ per second) 85,232 32,934 882 50,619 797
  • Estuary banks and freshwater lakes Three estuary banks and 22 freshwater lakes hold a total of 2,530M㎥ of water and supply 4B㎥ of water per year

    < Estuary Banks and Freshwater Lakes (2018) >

    Estuary Banks and Freshwater Lakes (2018) : Classification, Total holding capacity (1M㎥), Effective holding capacity (1M㎥), Water supply capacity1) (1M㎥ per year), Note, Estuary banks and freshwater lakes
    Classification Total holding capacity (1M㎥) Effective holding capacity (1M㎥) Water supply capacity(1M㎥ per year) Note
    Estuary banks and freshwater lakes 2,529.2 1,898.7 4,010.3 낙동강하굿둑 등 25개
    • Volumes and effective water holding capacities as indicated in the master plan for dams
Waterworks and Other Water Facilities
  • City, industrial, provincial waterworks As of 2018, 503 water intake facilities, 517 water purification plants, and 217K㎞ of water pipelines were in place and operation for city and provincial water supply
    • Water intake facilities 503 facilities amounting to a water intake capacity of 32.9M㎥ per day are in operation, with 42.3% of said capacity meeting city and industrial water needs and 57.7% provincial water needs

      Water intake sources (2018): Rivers 51.8%, dams 45.1%, groundwater 1.8%

    • Purification facilities 517 facilities amounting to a water purification capacity of 30.4M㎥ per day are in operation, with 34% of said capacity meeting city and industrial water needs and 66% provincial water needs
    • Water pipelines 217K㎞ of water pipelines are in place to meet city and industrial water needs (2.5%) and provincial water needs (97.5%)

    < Water Intake Facilities, Water Purification Facilities, and Water Pipelines for City, Industrial, and Provincial Use (2018) >

    Water Intake Facilities, Water Purification Facilities, and Water Pipelines for City, Industrial, and Provincial Use (2018) : Classification, City/industrial waterworks, Provincial waterworks, Water intake facilities, Water purification facilities, No. of facilities, Capacity (1K㎥ per day), Water pipelines  (㎞)
    Classification Water intake facilities Water purification facilities Water pipelines  (㎞)
    No. of facilities Capacity (1K㎥ per day) No. of facilities Capacity (1K㎥ per day)
    City/industrial waterworks 29 13,916(42.3%) 71 10,346(34.0%) 5,379(2.5%)
    Provincial waterworks 474 18,945(57.7%) 446 20,099(66.0%) 211,771(97.5%)
    Total 503 32,861 517 30,445 217,150
  • Small-scale waterworks Village, small-scale, and dedicated waterworks are in place and operation in disadvantaged areas outside of cities

    < Small-scale Waterworks (2018) >

    Small-scale Waterworks (2018) : Classification, Village waterworks, Small-scale waterworks, Dedicated waterworks, Capacity (1K㎥ per day), No. of facilities, Total
    Classification Total Village waterworks Small-scale waterworks Dedicated waterworks
    Capacity (1K㎥ per day) 1,361(100%) 482(35.4%) 314(23.1%) 565(41.5%)
    No. of facilities 14,933(100%) 5,213(34.9%) 9,129(61.1%) 591(4.0%)
  • Groundwater As of 2018, 1,640 groundwater facilities were providing access to groundwater of 2,916M㎥ per year, with the majority used for farming, fishing, and household purposes

    < Groundwater Facilities by Purpose (2018) >

    Groundwater Facilities by Purpose (2018) : 2018, Household, Industrial, Farming, fishing, Other, No. of facilities (1K), Used  (1M㎥ per year), Total, Alluvial, Bedrock
    2018 Total Household Industrial Farming, fishing Other
    No. of facilities (1K) Total 1,640 832 13 792 3
    Alluvial 927 465 4 457 1
    Bedrock 713 367 9 335 2
    Used  (1M㎥ per year) 2,916 1,229 174 1,485 27.6
    Alluvial 1,172 453 41 673 5.0
    Bedrock 1,743 776 133 812 22.6
  • Seawater desalinization 102 small-scale facilities are in operation (9,242 ㎥ per day) mainly in rural areas, mid- to large-scale facilities (580K㎥ per day) for industrial complex use were or will be installed in 3 locations

    < Installation and Operation of Seawater Desalinization Facilities (2018) >

    Installation and Operation of Seawater Desalinization Facilities (2018) : Classification, Small-scale (102 facilities), Mid- to large-scale, Gwangyang, Gijang (suspended), Daesan (under construction), Capacity (㎥ per day), Total
    Classification Total Small-scale (102 facilities) Mid- to large-scale
    Gwangyang Gijang (suspended) Daesan (under construction)
    Capacity (㎥ per day) 589,242 9,242 30,000 450,000 100,000
  • Drainage water/waste water facilities As of 2018, 4,505 public facilities were processing 26,165K㎥ of public drainage water per day and 1,819K㎥ of public wastewater per day, and 2,731 private drainage water facilities (septic tanks, etc.) were in operation
    • The total extension of drainage water pipelines is 156K㎞, made up of converging pipelines (44K㎞), wastewater pipelines (65K㎞), and rainwater pipelines (47K㎞)

    < Drainage Water/Wastewater Facilities (2018) >

    Drainage Water/Wastewater Facilities (2018) : Classification, Public drainage water facilities, Public wastewater, Private drainage water facilities, No. of facilities, Capacity (1K㎥ per day), Drainage water processing facilities, Waste processing facilities, Wastewater, Septic tanks, Total
    Classification Public drainage water facilities Public wastewater Private drainage water facilities
    Total Drainage water processing facilities Waste processing facilities Wastewater Septic tanks
    No. of facilities 4,297 4,111 186 208 490천 2,241천
    Capacity (1K㎥ per day) 26,165 26,124 41 1,819 - -
urvey/Observation Facilities and Information Systems
  • Hydrological survey Flood control offices, Korea Meteorological Administration, public water resource facility operators are operating 2,048 facilities for observation of heavy rainfalls, water levels, flow rates, sediment loads, soil moisture levels, and evapotranspiration levels.

    < Hydrological Observation Facilities (2018, Korea Annual Hydrological Report) >

    Hydrological Observation Facilities (2018, Korea Annual Hydrological Report) : Classification, Heavy rainfalls, Water levels, Flow rates, Sediment loads, Soil moisture, Evapotranspiration, No. of observation facilities, Total
    Classification Total Heavy rainfalls Water levels Flow rates Sediment loads Soil moisture Evapotranspiration
    No. of observation facilities 2,048 715 775 515 25 8 10
  • Water quality and aquatic ecology survey The National Institute of Environmental Research, Ministry of Environment, city and provincial governments, and public agencies are operating 6,625 facilities for water quality measurement of various functions, including overall quality measurement and automated measurement

    < Water Quality Observation Facilities (2018, Water Environment Measurement Network Operation Plan) >

    Water Quality Observation Facilities (2018, Water Environment Measurement Network Operation Plan) : Classification, Water quality measurement networks, Overall quality measurement networks(multi-function), Automated measurement networks, Sediment measurement networks, Radioactivity measurement networks, Biological measurement networks, Non-point pollutant measurement networks, No. of observation facilities, Total
    Classification Total Water quality measurement networks Overall quality measurement networks
    Automated measurement networks Sediment measurement networks Radioactivity measurement networks Biological measurement networks Non-point pollutant measurement networks
    No. of observation facilities 6,625 1,936 337(106) 70 306 90 3,884 2
  • Groundwater The National Institute of Environmental Research, Ministry of Environment, local governments, and public agencies are operating 5,700 facilities for national measurement and regional measurement of groundwater for purposes that include control, contamination prevention, and agricultural use

    < Groundwater Observation Facilities (2018, Groundwater Quality Measurement Network Operation Results) >

    Groundwater Observation Facilities (2018, Groundwater Quality Measurement Network Operation Results) : Classification, National groundwater measurement networks, Regional groundwater measurement networks, Backup observation networks, No. of observation facilities, Groundwater control, Contamination prevention, Agricultural use, Contamination prevention, General, Total
    Classification Total National groundwater measurement networks Regional groundwater measurement networks Backup observation networks
    Groundwater control Contamination prevention Agricultural use Contamination prevention General
    No. of observation facilities 5,700 599 822 627(446/181) 781 1,240 1,631
  • Information systems Government departments and public agencies are operating around 25 information systems
    Government departments and public agencies are operating around 25 information systems : Operator, Information system
    Operator Information system
    Ministry of Environment Nine systems, including the Water Management Information Networking System, Water Environment Information System, Water Resources Management Information System, River Water Use Management System, and Overall Water Quality Information System
    Ministry of the Interior and Safety National Disaster Management System
    Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs River Information Management GIS
    Korea Meteorological Administration Open Climate Data Portal, Hydrological, Climate, and Drought Information System
    National Geographic Information Institute National Land Information Platform
    National Academy of Agricultural Sciences Agriculture and Weather 365, Soil Environment Map
    Korea Environment Institute National Land Environment Assessment Map
    Korea Water Resources Corporation Drought Information Portal, National Groundwater Information System, National Waterworks Information System
    Korea Rural Community Corporation Rural Agricultural Water Resource Information System, Rural Groundwater Management System, Farmland Portal System
    Korea Environment Corporation National Sewerage Information System, Water Pollution Prevention Information System